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Graphic designers

Identify this legendary designer. *


This graphic designer created several iconic corporate logos in North America, including the Bell Systems logo in 1969, Continental Airlines' 1968 jet stream logo and United Airlines' 1974 tulip logo. Identify him. *

Dennis Hwang is a graphic artist currently working for Niantic, Inc. With his previous employer, he used to create about 50 designs a year, which were appreciated by millions of people across the globe. Which of these was he the original designer of? *

Microfinance companies in India

The largest microfinance organization in India started banking services in 2015, with 501 branches across India. It also became the first bank to be set up in the eastern part of India after Independence. Name the company. *

This is the logo of which leading microfinance institution? *


Which microfinance institution has developed ‘Diksha’, a financial literacy programme, in association with the RBI? *

Optical media manufacturers

This company was founded in 1969 and has been a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemicals since 1990. Its name literally means "in exactly the same words as were used originally". Identify the company. *

Which Indian company claims to be the lowest cost manufacturer of optical memory devices? *

Which leading company was started in 1996 when 3M spun off its data storage business? *

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